Food poisoning - This is caused by eating contaminated food, which results in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Food poisoning symptoms can last between 24-48 hours and in some cases needs medical attention. Gastroenteritis - A condition that causes irritation and inflammati...
Although the abdomen is widely referred to as the stomach, this is technically incorrect. The stomach is an organ that sits in the upper left region of the abdomen. When considering lower abdominal pain, which may be referred to as lower stomach pain, problems in the stomach are usually not...
Abdominal pain in the lower left region is the most common. Irritable bowel syndrome is usually associated with young to middle-aged men and women who suffer cramping pains and are often constipated and bloated. Certain food items might also worsen the pain. Despite numerous tests, sometimes it ...
Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal, which can put pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine. This condition can cause pain in the lower right back, especially if the narrowing is more pronounced on the right side. Common symptoms include: Pain or cramping in the ...
- altered bowel motility- abdominal pain- women affected more than men- complication= rupture IBSfunctional dyspepsiaconstipationceliac diseaselactose intolerance functional GI disorders abdominal pain/crampingmeals exacerbatepooping relieves bloatflatulencediarrhea and or constipationmucous in stool IBS clinical ...
Primary varicose vein probable factors: 1.incompetence of the one-way valve 2.inherited weakness in the structure of the vein wall or valves 3.humans upright posture 4.raised intraabdominal pressure 5.obesity 6.old age Varicose Veins A. Etiology b. Secondary varicose vein 1.valvelar ...