About low-side switches About Infineon low-side smart power switches Infineon´s low-side smart power switches portfolio consists of two main product families: Classic HITFET™ and HITFET™ + for 12 V and 24 V automotive and industrial applications. The HITFET™ (Highly Integrated Temperatu...
Infineon's HITFET™+ and Classic HITFET™ product families contain a wide range of low-side power switches for automotive and industrial applications.
Infineon's smart high-side switches (PROFET™) and low-side switches (HITFET™) drive all kinds of resistive, inductive and capacitive loads. All switches come with protection and diagnosis functionality. Customers benefit from a comprehensive portfolio of 12 V and 24 V devices – qualified ...
意法半导体的工业级低侧智能功率开关非常适用于伺服驱动器、电机控制、工业PC外设、PLC和连接至电源正极的通用低侧负载开关,其性能可靠,可以应对苛刻的工业环境,同时嵌入全套保护功能,可实现无耗散短路、接地和VCC断线保护以及热独立结过热保护,并且负载电流限制可以编程。 该产品的工作电压最高可达50 V,应用范围广泛,并...
integrates low-RDSON, highandlow-sidepowerswitchestoprovide a highly efficient output down to 0.8 V. [...] digikey.be digikey.be MIC28510 集成了低RDSON、高压测和低压侧电源开关,以提供低至 0.8 V 的高能效输出。 digikey.cn digikey.cn
我想请教一下,如果我想要学习智能功率开关相关的基础知识以及从事相关产品的推广,我应该参考哪些资料进行基础的学习呢? 英飞凌智能功率开关相对于几个友商的独特优势在哪一方面呢? High-Side Switch 最重要的参数为哪些呢? 非常感谢你们的回答,这对我非常重要! 已解决! 转到解答。...
具有集成特性的低侧开关是一种能够安全处理大电流的电源开关,可用于严苛的汽车环境。它们只需要1个简单的TTL逻辑输入(或者面向5引脚开关的CMOS逻辑输入)。此类器件与功率MOSFET引脚兼容,能够确保实时负载控制,具有过热保护功能,因此可以保护整个电路板。最新的5引脚器件还具有诊断特性。 低侧开关的工作温度范围为-40 ℃...
Next-generation VIPower M0-7 intelligent high-side switches Thelatest series of high-side drivers, built on VIPower M0-7 technology, offer higher power density, greater accuracy in critical diagnostic and new protection features. This series covers a wide spectrum of RDS(on)values (up to 140 ...
Figure 1. Simplified logic output stage showing the high-side and low-side switches. Most micro-controllers and logic families have output stages which can connect the output to the positive supply or to ground. This allows the micro to put a definite ‘high’ (+5 V in this example) onto...
OPEN LOAD/SHORT-TO-GROUND WHILE OFF SENSING If the drain voltage falls below the Open Load OFF Detection Voltage at turn OFF for a period of time exceeding the Open Load Sense Time, the fault status bit for this output switches to a logic [1]. If a drain voltage falls below the Open...