Case Presentation: A 14 month old female paediatric patient underwent a non-contrast CT scan of their chest post drain tube insertion to the right lung under CT guidance. Multi-planar reconstruction images and 3D rendered images were produced using an iterative reconstruction (IR) technique. The ...
每个影像包含的切片数量会随着扫描机器、扫描层厚和患者的不同而有差异...,LIDC-IDRI它包括1018个低剂量的肺部CT影像。LIDC-IDRI删除了切片厚度大于3mm和肺结节小于3mm的CT影像,剩下的就是LUNA16数据集了。CT影像简介CT采集后所得的数值为 X 射线 智能推荐...
5%。结论 采用管电压kV值固定为120kV,管电流20mAs胸部低剂量CT扫描在AIDS合并PCP体质量低 患者中图像质量能满足临床诊断要求,同时降低辐射剂量,值得推广。 【关键词】 低剂量;CT;AIDS;PCP;体质量低 Applicationvalueoflow-dosechestCTscansinAIDSpatientscomplicatedwithlowPCPbodymass LI Chun-hua,LVSheng-xiu,DAIXin...
图4 Results from the reader study—lung cancer screening on a single CT volume. LUMAS buckets 指的是符合Lung-RADS中3+, 4A+ and 4B/X肺癌预测概率的操作点。 图a:模型(蓝线)与普通放射科医生在使用单个CT容积的不同Lung-RADS类别(交叉)中的表现。交叉的长度表示置信区间(CI)。 图b:图a中蓝色突出...
PURPOSE We aimed to evaluate the diagnostic performance of low-dose chest computed tomography (CT) in patients under investigation for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). METHODS This retrospective study included 330 patients suspected of having COVID-19 from March 15 to April 16, 2020. We ...
The low-dose chest CT scans used in lung cancer screening do not appear to damage human DNA, according to a study appearing in the journal Radiology. The results could help allay fears that such screenings will lead to an increase in radiation-induced ca
Thin-section, high-resolution (1.0/1.5 mm thick slices), low-dose chest CT scans were performed in 55 infants and children. The studies were carried out with 1-and 2-s scan (data acquisition) times using a high-resolution (bone) algorithm. Although there was some motion artifact, the stu...
"Traditionally, this evaluation has been performed with cardiac catheterization -- an invasive and expensive procedure. In our study, we found that a large cohort of patients (23 of 38 patients) had accurate enough noninvasive assessment of the coronary arteries on low-dose chest CT that they ...
While the real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction test (RT-PCR) is considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of COVD-19, additional low-dose chest computed tomography (LDCT) is often performed, as CT is nearly ubiquitously available for diagnostic of COVID-19 with a high...
试验详情 试验目的 This study aims to develop a novel ultra-low dose chest CT technology for use in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Teleangiectasia (HHT) patients and to determine the lowest possible radiation dose that is achievable without sacrificing the diagnostic quality. 试验详情 ...