ST's STripFET F7 series of low-voltage N-channel MOSFETs, ranging from 40 V to 120 V, features a much lower on-state resistance per die area. Simplify now your designs, reduce equipment size and cost, while increasing reliability.
意法半导体的STripFET F7系列低压N-沟道MOSFET (40 V - 120 V) 在单位晶片面积上具有明显更低的导通电阻。现在可简化设计,降低设备尺寸和成本,同时提高可靠性。
POWER MOSFET一直是各廠的兵家必爭之地,隨著市場上各種應用Mobile(智慧型手機)、Automotive(車用電子)、Industrial(工業用電源)、PC(筆記型電腦)、Consumer(消費性電子)、Server(伺服器)不斷推陳出新,相對的零件本體規格的提升也相對重要。在本篇文章來介紹一下TOSHIBA低壓MOSFET的產品開發以及特性比較差異。 以下為東...
Low Voltage Power MOSFET Part No Maximum Ratings Electrical Characteristics File Package RDS(on) [mΩ] VGS(th)[V] Qg [nC] VDSS [V] ID [A] PD[W] Max @VGS[V] @ ID[A] Min Max KTK001S 20 3.2 0.35 50 4.5 1.6 0.6 1.2
A low voltage power MOSFET is disclosed which includes spaced apart base regions defining a conduction region therebetween. A highly doped region is provided adjacent the conduction region and is spaced from the base regions, being substantially equidistant thereto and extending therebelow. The spacing...
POWER MOSFET一直是各廠的兵家必爭之地,隨著市場上各種應用Mobile(智慧型手機)、Automotive(車用電子)、Industrial(工業用電源)、PC(筆記型電腦)、Consumer(消費性電子)、Server(伺服器)不斷推陳出新,相對的零件本體規格的提升也相對重要。在本篇文章來介紹一下TOSHIBA低壓MOSFET的產品開發以及特性比較差異。
Power MOSFETs > Low Voltage MOSFET(20V~30V) Download Category Part NumberPackageConfigurationChannelV(BR)DSS (V)VGS (±V)VGS(th) max(V)ID(ON) (A)RDS(ON)mΩ maxCiss typ. (pF)Crss typ. (pF) 10V4.5V2.5V1.8V AllDFN3X3DFN2.0X2.0-06DFN3.0X2.0-08DFN3.3X3.3AEDFN3X3EDFN5X6SOP-8SOT...
Using LDO Voltage Regulators to Charge New Li-ion Batteries Read More SimulationTool Selecting IC’s & components Calculates the static characteristics of DC/DC converters Read More WearableSolutions Small, Efficient & Low Power Small & low-profile power management solutions for wearable applications ...
As the core device of power conversion and power processing, low-voltage MOSFET is suitable for power conversion and circuit control of power equipment. It is a bridge between weak current control and strong current operation. Its main function is frequency conversion, voltage transformation, current...
如何使用一个esp01使用mosfet IRFZ44N打开或关闭外部LED? () { digitalWrite(2, HIGH);// Turn the LED on (Note that LOW is the voltage level // but actually topsage88 2023-05-29 08:19:52 MAX15492: Single-Phase Synchronous MOSFET Driver with Ultra-Low-Power Mode Data Sheet MAX15492: ...