Summit Male Medical. The Top Rated Men's Health Clinic near Phoenix. Clinics in Tempe, Peoria, and Scottsdale! Ranked Best in the Arizona for Erectile Dysfunction and Low Testosterone Treatments!
Although there is little research into male HSDD, a biopsychosocial approach is likely to best explain its onset. From a biological perspective,hormonalimbalances (e.g., relatively low levels oftestosterone) may begin a cascade of decreased sexual desire (compared to male norms...
Because of what we just spoke about,96% of all people tested are iodine deficient!3132333435363738394041This according to a study of 4000 patients conducted by Dr. David Brownstein,Medical Director for The Center of Holistic Medicine, and renowned author of several books on hormones, iodine and hy...
Many clients come to me with fertility issues and want help getting pregnant. When women are eating a low fat diet, this causes their hormones to not produce enough progesterone. Estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, DHEA, and testosterone are made from cholesterol; if we don’t eat enough, our ...