The iron oxide-decorated Al2O3 showed a high CO oxidation reactivity, even at room temperature. Very little deactivation of the CO oxidation activity was observed with increasing reaction time at ~100 °C. Additionally, this catalyst showed high CO oxidation activity, even after annealing at ...
The effect of substrate temperature on grain size was also examined (Supplementary Fig. S7). The grain lseiznegathndonFWtheHsMurofafcEe1.2g mode of grown MoS2 were decreased by decreasing temperature owing to short diffusion pchrea-TrdahecepteonrsiusittmeicdboMefrloao2y1fe, rtahedMe sgourSr...
Therefore, we used 30-nm gNPs to enhance the killing effect of low-temperature plasma on human teeth. Results We tested the sterilizing effect of low-temperature plasma on Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) strains. The survival rate was assessed by bacterial viability stains and colony-forming ...
Low-temperature carburizing dramatically enhances the inherently low wear resistance of austenitic stainless steels due to the formation of a carbon-supersaturated solid solution, i.e. expanded austenite. The formation of expanded austenite from low-temperature carburizing has been intensively investigated. ...
Ox, Oximetry; Temp, Temperature; Resp Dist, Respiratory Distress; O2 Sat, Oxygen Saturation; CPAP, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure; QI, Quality Improvement; Dx, Diagnosis; Hypoth, Hypothermia; KMC, Kangaroo Mother Care; NMR, Neonatal Mortality Rate; ICD, International Classification of Diseases ...
Temperature change rate: 1ºC/min ≤0.2dB Temperature cycle Temperature: -40ºC to + 85ºCDuration: 168hCycle times:21Temperature change rate: 1ºC/min ≤0.2dB repeatability Insertion pull times:10 ≤0.2dB Mechanism durability Insertion times: 500 cycles ≤0...
Features• Digital compensation of sensor offset, sensitivity, temperaturedrift and non-linearity• Programmable analog gain and digital gain;accommodates bridges with spans < 1mV/V and high offset• Many diagnostic features on chip (e.g., EEPROM s
The magnitude of this loss is predictable if room temperature is known, and losses can be minimized using double-walled isolettes in which the inner wall temperature is very close to the air temperature within the isolette. Once clinical status has been stabilized, the infant can be dressed, ...
We mention in experimentally this context the importance of the established the connection between the sample quality and the strong temperature phase using low-temperature transport studies dependence of the 2D resistivity in the metallic in high-mobility (> 10,000 cm2/Vs) Si-MOSFETs. (Inn...
Low temperature plasmas application to medicine has received increasing interest over the last decade10–17. In the case of neoplasia, low temperature plasmas operating in open air have been successfully tested, both in vitro and in vivo18–26. Recently, studies based on low temperature plasma ...