Combined stimulation tests with TSH and TRH showed that the functional reserve of the thyroid gland to produce T 3 is maintained in old age. The first step in the sequence of events may be seen in an impairment of TSH secretion leading to an adaptation of the amount of thyroid hormones to...
Haack, MD10,13,14 and Christian Staufner, MD1 Purpose: Biallelic mutations in SCYL1 were recently identified as causing a syndromal disorder characterized by peripheral neuropathy, cerebellar atrophy, ataxia, and recurrent episodes of liver failure. The occurrence of SCYL1 deficiency among patients ...
The period following diagnosis is significantly associated with subsyndromal depression, and brief depressive episodes [4]. This emotional toll may be mediated more through role limitation and increased mental distress than physical symptoms [39]. Social stigma and isolation may entrench such feelings ...
Mice were administered vehicle, or dasatinib at a dose of 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, or 0.5 mg/kg intraperitoneally (i.p.). Each dosed cohort consisted of six animals. One blood sample was collected from each animal at the following times: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8-h post-dose. Dasatinib PK ...
However, it should be remembered that patients with Zellwegcr syndromc have a plethora of biochemical abnormalities that stem from their inability to assemble normal peroxisomes. For exarnple they lack sterol-carrier protein-2 (nonspecific lipid transport protcin), which is important for the ...
When we instituted universal screening of adolescents in the clinic using the Child PTSD Symptom Scale for DSM-5 Interview (CPSS-5-I; (Foa et al., 2018), we found that 30% met criteria for PTSD, 7% met criteria for subsyndromal PTSD, and an additional 19% for impairing PTSD symptoms ...
Low-T 3-/Low-T4-SyndromJerome M. Hershman, MD
rosenbergii were in the order of 100-fold higher for WSSV-Thai-1 (105.3+or-0.4 PID50 ml-1) than for WSSV-Viet (103.2+or-0.2 PID50 ml-1), with each of these being about 20-fold and 400-fold lower, respectively, than found previously in P. vannamei. The median lethal dose (LD50 ...
E Dl'.:A Mii'ASl:: ACTIVITY IN DOWN'S SYNDROMl::. R. Puukka , T. Joen s uu, S.-L. Linn e , M. Puuk- ka, K. Kouvalain en . Depts. or Pe diatrics a nd Clinical Ch emi s try. Univ. of Oulu, ? inl and . Th e bloo d l evel of uri c a c id i s in ma...
These pts have a heterogeneous prognosis, and some may benefit from early HMA therapy. To test the hypothesis that low-dose HMA therapy would be safe and effective in pts with lower-risk MDS, we treated pts with International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS) low- or intermediate-1-risk MDS ...