low sulphur fuel surcharge 读音:美英 low sulphur fuel surcharge基本解释 收低硫燃油附加费 分词解释 low低的,矮小的 sulphur硫磺 fuel燃料 surcharge追加罚款
lss-low sulphur fuel surcharge外贸术语 LSS,全称为Low Sulphur Fuel Surcharge或Low Sulphur Surcharge,即“低硫附加费”,是外贸领域中一个重要的航运附加费。如同给环保加上的经济标签,LSS不仅体现了航运业对环保法规的响应,也深刻影响着国际贸易的成本结构。本文将从LSS的定义、产生背景、计费方式、支付责任以及与...
低硫燃油附加费 低硫燃油比较贵,所以要加钱
台湾低硫燃油附加费LowSulphurFuelSurcharge-SealandMaersk.PDF,14 DEC 2018 台灣低硫燃油附加費Low Sulphur Fuel Surcharge (LSS) 徵收通知 親愛的客戶 您好 交通部公告 ,自2019 年1 月1 日起,國際航線船舶進入我國商港應採用低硫燃油。為 因應此項公告,我司將於2019 年
IMO 2020 - Low Sulphur Surcharge (LSS)Price and Surcharge UpdatesEffective December 1st, 2019 See the news From Send me a copy by e-mail To Add recipient Your message Submit Cancel OurVISION Our Vision SUSTAINABILITY& innovation Sustainability & Innovation Join Us Join Us News& Medi...
Low Sulphur Fuel Surcharge (LSFS) Dear Customers, This is to advise that with effect from 11th August, 2007, in addition to the Bunker Adjustment Factor (BAF), a Low Sulphur Fuel Surcharge (LSFS) for all DRY and REEFER shipments will be applied as follows: ...
アジア発着ー欧州貨物Low Sulphur Fuel Surcharge 導入のお知らせ "REVISED" 拝啓 貴社益々ご繁栄の事とお慶び申しあげます。 平素は格別のご高配を賜り厚く御礼申し上げます。 さて、さて、この度、アジア発着―欧州貨物に付きまして、Low Sulphur Fuel Surchargeの導入が決定いたしましたので、下...
CMA CGM will implement a Low Sulphur Surcharge on all its trades in the Emission Control Areas (ECAs) and for all cargoes as follows: Date of application: January 1st, 2015 Amounts: Please click here to display the latest update To learn more about Low Sulphur Regulation, please go to ...
Low Sulphur Surcharge - CSAV 下载积分: 3000 内容提示: Santiago, November 27 th , 2014 Low Sulphur Surcharge Dear Customers, At CSAV we are very worried about the environmental protection avoiding any impact we may cause. For that purpose, and following the international environmental regulations,...