VIDHOP, viral host prediction with Deep Learning 论文阅读笔记 github : 摘要 Zoonosis即人类和动物都可相互传染致病,如寨卡病毒、埃博拉病毒和新冠病毒等,为了预防全球化带来的病毒传染加快的问题,本文提出一种基于病毒的基因组序列来推测病毒宿主的预测方法(input = ...论文...
Low-Shot Learning with Imprinted Weights (CVPR18) motivation:建立基于编码度量优化的loss与分类loss的关系,从而建立原型p和分类权重w的关联。 方法:一个类的原型表示这个类K-shot图像正规化特征的均值。 使用cosface的loss训练一个特征提取器(正规化特征和权重),正则化的权重等价为原型。 对于一个给定的新类(K-...
The reconstruction loss is calculated with the mean squared error between the original gene expression vector and the reconstructed vector. ProtoTypical and variational-ProtoTypical network ProtoTypical Network is a kind of few-shot learning model having great success in various tasks from computer ...