自我评价不仅影响个体的心理健康,还在社交中扮演重要角色。低自我评价可能导致焦虑和孤独感,而过度自我美化又会引发自我怀疑。理解这些关系,有助于我们更好地支持他人,提升自我认知。 自我评价(self-esteem,也常译作“自尊”)是指一个人对自身价值的认知和态度。在临床心理学中,许多心理问题,如焦虑、孤独感、厌食症...
低自尊(Low Self-Esteem)是指个体对自己的价值感和能力感较低,缺乏自信,对自己的评价常常是负面的。具有低自尊的人通常会感到自己不够好、不值得被爱或尊重,常常会在社交、工作、学习等多个方面感到自卑和不安。 低自尊的表现 低自尊的表现可以因人而异,但通常包括以下几个方面: 1. 自我评价低:低自尊的人常常...
解析 self-esteem 当然是指自尊心呀! “low self-esteem”--译为:“自尊心低落”或“低自尊” “缺少自信”则为: “self-doubt”或“lack of self-confidence” 分析总结。 lowselfesteem因该翻译成缺少自信还是自尊心低结果一 题目 “low self-esteem”因该翻译成“缺少自信”还是“自尊心低”?这两种翻译...
“One thing we know is people with low self-esteem, frst of allthey're more likely to use social comparison online, like Facebook, in looking at howmany likes other people are getting, what do other people look like in their pictures,what are other people doing," she said. Other ...
Low self-esteem(自卑) makes us feel bad about ourselves. But did you know that over time it also can cause the development of serious mental conditions such as depression? Self-esteem is, very simply, the set of feelings you have about yourself. It's developed by your experiences, though...
Leary M R,Schreindorfer L S,Haupt A L.The role of low self-esteem in emotional and behavioral problems:Why is low self-esteem dysfunctional?. . 1995Leary, M.R,Schreindorfer, LS,& Haupt, A.L.The Role of Low Self-Esteem in Emotional and Behavioral Problem: ...
The study concluded that there is convincing evidence to support the vulnerability effect of low self-esteem on depression. 研究得出结论,有令人信服的证据表明自卑对抑郁产生的负面效果。 According to Dr Lars Madsen, Australian clinical...
Low selfesteem(自卑) makes us feel bad about ourselves. But did you know that over timet also can cause the development of serious mental conditions such as depression?Self-esteem is, very simply the set of feelings you have about yourself. Its developed byyou experiences,thoughts feelings and...
Do not lower self-esteem 不要降低自尊 不要自己瞧不起自己 分析总结。 谷歌翻译的意思是请不要自暴自弃我觉得不准到底是什么结果一 题目 Do not low self - esteem.谷歌翻译的意思是“请不要自暴自弃”我觉得不准,到底是什么 答案 原句是个病句,正确的如下:Do not lower self-esteem不要降低自尊不要自...