A very common reason clients beginpsychotherapyis to improve lowself-esteem. While low self-esteem isn’t in mental health providers’ diagnostic “bible” of mental disorders (called theDSM-5), self-esteem issues can wreak havoc in multiple domains of a person’s life and are ...
Self-esteemPsychiatric disordersMental Health and PsychiatryBackground The objective of the current study was to determine the prevalence and the degree of lowered self-esteem across the spectrum of psychiatric disorders. Method The present study was carried out on a consecutive sample ...
作者: LS Esteem 摘要: There was a time when I couldn't stand the sight of myself. A time where I would do anything to run away from me. I hated who stared back at me in the mirror. I hated the fact that I wasn't as good as......
Self esteem as a mediator between perfectionism and depression: A structural analysis Journal of Counseling Pscyhology, 45 (1998), pp. 304-314 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Rosenberg, 1965 M. Rosenberg Society and the adolescent self-image, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ (1965) Google...
One-hundred-sixty-seven ED patients received the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I (SCID-I), and they completed the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), and the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS-F). Several mediation ...
In this respect, other authors have also shown an association between self-esteem and parental bonding in the general adult population [35]. In addition, maternal affectionless control has already been associated with a high degree of neuroticism and other personality vulnerabilities [23] in medical...
In this respect, other authors have also shown an association between self-esteem and parental bonding in the general adult population [35]. In addition, maternal affectionless control has already been associated with a high degree of neuroticism and other personality vulnerabilities [23] in medical...
(Croll et al.,2002; Hoek & Hoeken,2003; Solmi et al.,2014). And, research has shown that, among women, greater self-objectification and dissatisfaction with one’s body is associated with worse sexual experiences, including lower sexual self-esteem, lower sexual satisfaction, and lower sexual...
You can imagine what that's done to my self-esteem. But through the suicide attempts, accusations of plagiarism, and flagging book sales, I have relied on one certainty -- my love of the law. Through all my whining, mewling, and caterwauls of privileged desperation, there has been only...
26 AN-R patients and 32 HC completed scenarios that aimed to induce envy and Schadenfreude and completed questionnaires measuring envy, self-esteem and social comparison. Results AN-R patients reported more benign envy than HC. Interestingly, higher body mass index (BMI) was associated with less ...