5740 Spenlow Way, Sacramento, CA 95835 Property type Single Family Year built 2003 Last sold $605K in 2024 Price per sqft $317 Garage 2 Car ShareView as owner Property details Welcome to this beautiful modern 3-4 bedroom home that combines style, space, and convenience. This home features...
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For example, you could buy a home in Sacramento, CA, for $200,000 with an LTV ratio of 96.5%, meaning you couldn’t borrow more than $193,000, making $7,000 (or 3.5% of the home’s purchase price) your minimum down payment. With a score of less than 580, you’ll need a lar...
Chapter 134; California Government Code; California Government: Sacramento, CA, USA, 1943. 15. Chapman, N.J.; Howe, D.A. Accessory apartments: Are they a realistic alternative for ageing in place? Hous. Stud. 2001, 16, 637–650. [CrossRef] 16. Pfeiffer, D.; Tziganuk, A.; Cloutier...