解析 high profile高姿态:公开的态度、明确的立场:“needs to maintain a high profile in his profession”(Tracy Keenan Wynn)“在职业上他必须保持明确的态度”(特雷西·基南·温恩)low profile低姿态:为了不引起注意故意克制或拘谨的行为举止:keep a low profile.保持低姿态...
解析 high profile高姿态:公开的态度、明确的立场:“needs to maintain a high profile in his profession”(Tracy Keenan Wynn)“在职业上他必须保持明确的态度”(特雷西·基南·温恩)low profile低姿态:为了不引起注意故意克制或拘谨的行为举止:keep a low profile.保持低姿态...
Ma's high profile is unusual in a society where folk wisdom warns, “a man fears getting famous like a pig fears getting fat.”在一个民间智慧警告“怕出名,猪怕壮。”的社会里,马云的高调实属罕见。不引人注目,不显眼;低调,低姿态 He's kept a lower profile since then, focusing mostly on...
high-profile 中国商务部反应果断不屈,暗示中国在争端中不妥协的鲜明态度.high profile [简明英汉词典]鲜明的姿态 21859 low-profile “Low profile“ describes an especially short sidewall height,or aspect ratio,on a tire.That’s the amount of rubber between the outside edge of the wheel or rim,and...
high profile 高姿态:公开的态度、明确的立场:“needs to maintain a high profile in his profession”(Tracy Keenan Wynn)“在职业上他必须保持明确的态度”(特雷西·基南·温恩)low profile 低姿态:为了不引起注意故意克制或拘谨的行为举止:keep a low profile.保持低姿态 正...
high profile 高姿态:公开的态度、明确的立场:“needs to maintain a high profile in his profession”(Tracy Keenan Wynn)“在职业上他必须保持明确的态度”(特雷西·基南·温恩)low profile 低姿态:为了不引起注意故意克制或拘谨的行为举止:keep a low profile.保持低姿态 ...
答案 high-profile meeting是高调的,广为传播的会议.low-profile 低调的,不广为传播的相关推荐 1请问profile meeting是什么意思经常在新闻里看到high-profile meeting,low-profile meeting,profile meeting 这类的词,翻译成高姿态或者低姿态会议,但是还是不明白它的含义, 反馈...
What Do “Low-Profile” and “High-Profile” Mean Low and high profile are referring to the keyboard case surrounding the switches and keycaps. If you’re coming from a standard rubber dome keyboard, you’ve almost certainly been using what would be considered a high-profile keyboard. High-...
high profile 高姿态的; 立场明确的; 倍受瞩目的 profile paper 格子纸,断面图 tee profile 丁字钢 low pre.低 low church a. 革新教会派的 low minded a. 卑鄙的,下流的 最新单词 exposal的中文释义 a. 曝光的;揭发的;陈列的 exporter是什么意思 n. 1.出口商;输出国 exportation的中文翻译及...
The meaning of HIGH/LOW PROFILE is —used to describe the amount of attention that someone or something is given. How to use high/low profile in a sentence.