Low blood pressure is only a problem if it has a negative impact on the body. For example, vital organs (particularly the brain) may be starved of oxygen and nutrients if the blood pressure is too low for your body. 只有对身体产生不良影响时,低血压才被认为是问题。例如,身体血压过低可能会...
Low blood pressure is only a problem if it has a negative impact on the body. For example, vital organs (particularly the brain) may be starved of oxygen and nutrients if the blood pressure is too low for your body. 只...
The high pressure and low pressure bypass system has the advantages that the structure is reasonable, the service life is long, unit load adaptability is improved, and a unit can be suitable for frequent start and stop and rapid load rise and fall; under the working condition that a turbine...
3) low pressure system 低压系统 1. Calculates the influence of stripping efficiency on the low pressure system,analyzes and discusses the calculation results combined with the production practice, and puts forward some proposals and viewpoint 计算汽提效率变化对低压系统的影响,结合生产实际情况分析和...
●Cost: The cost of high-voltage energy storage batteries is usually high because of the complexity of electrical equipment, protection measures and installation engineering required. The cost of low-voltage energy storage batteries is relatively low, because its system design and installation are relat...
Normal blood pressure is generally considered to beless than120/80. 一般来说正常血压是低于120/80。 The following factors increase the risks of serious health problems associated with high blood pressure: 以下因素会增加高血压相关的严重健康问题风险。
This paper reviews the low-pressure (<10 Pa). high-density plasma-assisted nitriding processes recently developed for metallurgical surface modification to improve wear, hardness and fatigue resistance of ferrous and non-ferrous materials. For that purpose, plasma generation is most frequently ensured ...
The press cushion, for high and low pressure presses, is free of asbestos and is woven from one of two materials from an initial gp. with one or more materials from a second gp. except when the second gp. material is a yarn from a first gp. material without metal threads. The first...
high pressure a. 高压的,高气压的,压制的 vt. 施以高压,强迫 pressure n. [U] 1.压力,挤压 2.【物】大气压 3.催促,要求,呼吁,强迫 4.心理压力,紧张 5.困扰,艰难 [U,C] 1.压力,压强 v.[T] 1.对……施加压力( high low n. (高及足踝之)有带皮靴 micro pressure gauge 千分压力计 pre...
0.7.5Pressure Continuum In field operations it is common to talk about “high pressure” or “low pressure” and typically these terms are relative to some value that is clear in the speaker’s mind, but not communicated in the current discussion. This often leads to suboptimal decisions or ...