Blender doesn’t make it easy to start with. My first steps took ages with a lot of head scratching. To build my first tree out of an icosphere and a cylinder I used the wonderfulSecrets to Creating Low Poly Illustrations in Blendertutorial. You get a step by step example with all the...
jayanam writes: This is a video tutorial series in which I show the workflow on how to create a game asset from the high poly model to the low poly version. I hope you like the series, you candownload the models and textures for free from my Patreon account. 1. Sculpting the high ...
▶️ Geometry 358 unique assets 875k triangles all pack ▶️ Scale Real-world-size ▶️ Materials All models use 3 materials (color, emissive, glass) ▶️ Textures All models use 1 texture (color) Resolution: 2048 px ▶️ Collision Yes ▶️ Files Blender, C4D, Maya, ...
资源链接汇总:【1】更多神技能请戳:和阿文一起学信息图表《我懂个P》【2】更多个人作品:Simon PPT...
Sprytile Basics Tutorial (video) Blender 2.8 specific tips Community: Chat with the fellow users in the Discord server Showcase your work or ask for support in the forum Issue/Feature requests: Bug reports for this port can be submitted to GitHub issues Acknowledgments: The bulk of Blender 2.8...
在Blender创建一个低多边形角色的绑定BuildingABasicLowPolyCharacterRigInBlender(http:\/\/bbc008.longluntan\/t36-topic"\l"249) InthistutorialyouwilllearnhowtobuildabasicriggingsystemforalowpolycharacterusingBlender.ThoughblenderhasaAuto-RiggingsystemcalledRigifyforbipeds,onemust...
001 电影介绍4D辅导_R10_(001 Intro to Cinema 4D Tutorial_R10_) 电影介绍4D辅导(Intro to Cinema 4D Tutorial) 21分 47秒 4K 下载 003 看电影4D基本工具_R10_(003 Cinema 4D Basic Tools_R10_) 看电影4D基本工具(Cinema 4D Basic Tools) 29分 33秒 4K 下载 004 在电影中创造DNA链4D_R10_(004...
Blender, C4D, Maya, 3DSMax, FBX, OBJ, GLTF, STL You can modify our models yourself by requesting the necessary format from us. Megacity - Low Poly City 3D Models Pack ithappy (6) (128) $249 Taxes/VAT calculated at checkout 242viewsin the past week ...
Sprytile Basics Tutorial (video) Blender 2.8 specific tips Community: Chat with the fellow users in the Discord server Showcase your work or ask for support in the forum Issue/Feature requests: Bug reports for this port can be submitted to GitHub issues Acknowledgments: The bulk of Blender 2.8...
3D Modular Low-Poly Location. Assets are easily customizable for various locations and levels. Suitable for multiple game genres. Works on any platform. 可编程渲染管线(SRP)兼容性 Unity可编程渲染管线(SRP)是让您能够通过C#脚本控制渲染的一个功能。SRP是支撑通用渲染管线(URP)和高清渲染管线(H...