Low-orbiting spacecraft have observed a relatively strong magnetic field associated with each of these albedo markings. Les naus espacials d'òrbita baixa han observat un camp magnètic relativament fort associat amb cadascuna d'aquestes marques de diferent albedo. WikiMatrix Operation Payback...
Low-Earth Orbiting Search and Rescue Low-earth-orbit low-egg-passage vaccine low-emission Low-Emission Boiler Systems Low-Emission Mobile System low-emissivity glass Low-Emissivity Window Low-emissivity windows low-end low-end low-end Low-End Node Reduction Device Low-Endoatmospheric Defense Intercept...
Polar-orbiting satellites in fairlylow orbitscarry radiometers that measure outgoing radiation at the top of the atmosphere 较低轨道的极轨卫星携带着测量大气顶部射出辐射的辐射计。 MultiUn A single GPS receiver inlow orbitcould acquire more than # soundings a day, spread uniformly across the globe ...