Effects of high versus low flux membranes on o2 saturation in hemodialysis patients.doi:10.5812/NUMONTHLY.5055Ali MomeniHamid RouhiMasoud AmiriKowsar Medical Institute
Based on new radiative transfer numerical evaluations, we reconsider an argument presented by Schack in 1972 that says that saturation of the absorption of infrared radiation by carbon dioxide in the atmosphere sets in as soon as the relative concentration of carbon dioxide exceeds a lower limit of...
longitudinal electrostrictive strain remains linear with the applied electric field squared within the accessible range of fields (0–13.4 kV/cm). This indicates that the strain achieved (225 ppm) is far from saturation and that the material remains within the linear dielectric regime (i.e.,...
Being born with low birth weight (LBW, o2,500 g) is associated with increased risk of impaired neurodevelop- ment (1,2). This association has been clearly demonstrated in very LBW infants (o1,500 g) (1,3,4), but lower scores of cognitive and behavioral performance have also been ...
TI Designs Low-Power PIR Motion Detector With Sub-1GHz Wireless Connectivity Enabling 10-Year Coin Cell Battery Life TI Designs This TI Design uses Texas Instruments' nano-power operational amplifiers, comparators, and the SimpleLink™ ultra-low-power sub-1GHz wireless microcontroller (MCU) platform...
After one of the output devices enters the saturation region, the output stage requires additional time to return to the linear operating state which is referred to as overload recovery time. After the output stage returns to linear operating state, the amplifier begins to slew at the specified...
where the measured [O2]S is not just [O2]T/b, because part of the O2 is still retained within the lipid phase after dilution (provided KP > 1, and b is low). To calculate [O2]T we assume that at saturation the solubility of O2 in the aqueous phase will be the same for all sa...
and the absence of any prior thermal treatment of the oil, which destroys both peroxy radicals and singlet O2sensitisers. An overview of peroxyl chemistry included in the article will be useful to those working in areas of fire science, paint drying, indoor air quality, biofuels and lipid oxi...
The limitations of monitoring this α-glucose resonance using LF benchtop NMR analysis is ascribable to potential interference of the closely located residual water signal, together with influence of the continuous water presaturation process on this closely located and spectrally intense resonance ...
When referring to saturation data, the irreducible water saturation in the Keuper cores was significantly larger than that in the Nordhorn core plugs. This could be the result of a more complex porosity distribution within the core plug. Despite differences in the irreducible water saturation values...