This study showed pooled correlations between RSA outputs and practical aerobic capacity indicators. However, contrary to popular belief that there were stronger relationships, these relationships were low to moderate.doi:10.1519/SSC.0000000000000752Ulupinar, Sueleyman...
Trait perfectionism was uniquely associated with both better cognitive performance and broad psychopathological dimensions. This work suggests that attentional dysregulation may moderate the breadth of EF, fluid, and crystalized cognitive task outcomes seen in adolescents with anxiety and low mood, and may...
The high-intensity group walked at a pace eliciting moderate to severe ischemic leg symptoms. Accelerometer data were viewable to a coach who telephoned participants weekly for 12 months and helped them adhere to their prescribed exercise. The nonexercise control group received weekly educational ...
A negative Pearson correlation between SSVEP SNR and RVS frequency was observed [rs(576) \(= -\) .553, p < .001]. A moderate linear relationship between SSVEP SNR and RVS amplitude depth was also found [rs(576) \(=\) .132, p < .01]. In brief, post-hoc comparisons revealed that...
Fractures and interclast voids in the Cattle Grid Breccia are lined and filled with copper sulfides (Fig. 2a; Tonkin and Creelman, 1990). Anticlinal structures up to 4 m high and 4 m wide in the breccia (Fig. 2b), some with associated moderate- to high-angle reverse faults, indicate ...
Correlation rises with the increasing temperature at well heads, showing that high temperature of the thermal reservoir is more conducive to the positive drifting of δ18O. Under the same condition, the water-rock interaction is very likely to happen in the high temperature groundwater. Besides, ...
Fin erosion was assessed qualitatively on a 4-point scale (severe, moderate, low, or no damage) for all sampled fish during each monthly length/weight event. The prevalence of spinal deformities (i.e., lordosis, kyphosis, and/or scoliosis) was also assessed monthly for all sampled fish ...
Introduction The severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been positively correlated with several comorbidities. The primary outcome of the study was to assess the relationship between the mortality and severity of COVID-19 and obesity classes
The purpose of this study is to determine if financial inclusion in low-, lower-middle-, and upper-middle-income nations promotes human development. Our aim was accomplished by employing an empirical technique of using the System Generalized Method of Mo
Patients with low b-catenin b-catenin expression and prognosis in ovarian endometrioid carcinoma DG Rosen et al membranous expression had approximately 7.1 times higher risk of death than patients with moderate to high membranous expression. None of the other tested variables reached statistical signifi...