Shop for low maintenance plants → 1. EUPHORBIA Diamond Collection Euphorbia Diamond Frost® is a really cool and unusual plant, with 15 years of stellar reports from every trial location. Today, it remains one of the best landscaping plants on the market, not to mention one of the most ...
If you like flowering trees, opt for Magnolia (which also has beautiful, shiny leaves) or Crape Myrtle. Low Maintenance Shrubs Low maintenance shrubs are an excellent option for those who want to add beauty to their landscaping without the need for constant attention. These types of shrubs requ...
Stephen Paul for Hunker If anything in a home landscape should be low-maintenance, it's theshrubsand trees. From a planting perspective, shrubs and bushes also are long-term commitments; it can be a big mistake to choose something that needs a lot of attention each year. All of these rea...
Part of low-maintenance landscaping is making your landscape do the work for you. When it comes to that, the most valuable player is definitely mulch. If you thought those wood chips were just for show, think again.Mulchdoes a lot to keep your landscape healthy. Benefits of mulch: Keeps ...
These trees are also shade-tolerant, making them a versatile option for your yard. Your Amur maple can have either a multi-stemmed trunk or a single trunk with a rounded crown, customizable through pruning to suit your landscaping needs. ...
There’s a secret to keeping your garden looking gorgeous all year: evergreen low maintenance plants. These are a must-have for any landscaping project since they don’t lose their beauty, even as seasons change, and you don’t have to break a sweat caring for them, too! But how they...
Here are a few low-maintenance landscaping ideas for your front yard. You want to achieve a welcoming front yard, so keep reading to learn how to create one. Here is a low-maintenance landscaping idea for your front yard from Dig Your Garden. Tall shade trees cover a grid of low mainten...
Maintenance:Minimal; occasional mowing of old foliage in spring. Propagation:Division. Landscaping Uses: Groundcover:Creates a dense, uniform cover for shaded areas. Erosion Control:Ideal for banks and slopes. Edging:Can be used as an edging for trees, shrubs, or garden beds. ...
Landscaping We have the right equipment, the creative aspect in design, expertise in all aspects of landscaping, and the personal touch to make your project go smoothly. Landscaping → Lawn Chemicals A complete chemical maintenance program for your lawn or your bushes and trees. This will keep ...
'Florida Yards' are privately-owned residential properties that adhere to the nine 'Florida-friendly' landscaping principles of the University of Florida's Florida Yards & Neighborhoods (FYN) program. Similarly, 'Florida Landscapes' are public landscaped areas that follow FYN principles. We have devel...