22,23 The Asthma APGAR asks three questions about the frequency of activities that were missed or modified because of breathing problems, the frequency of daytime asthma symptoms and the frequency of night-time asthma symptoms over the previous weeks. An Asthma APGAR score of >2 is comparable ...
100 Educating individuals to consume protein from whole foods vs supplements will promote an adequate intake of sodium, potassium, and magnesium.1 Ensuring adequate fluid and electrolyte intake is essential to avoid symptoms of initiating a VLCHF/KD.13, 100 People with certain diseases and disorders...
Hyperparathyroidism is another rare condition that can arise from either primary origin, such as, adenomas (and rarely carcinomas), or as a secondary manifestation of end stage kidney disease (ESKD). Presenting complaints typically include general and non-specific symptoms such as weakness, thirst, ...
According to a review published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, low carb diets may not supply enough B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, iron, calcium and magnesium. (Image credit: Getty Images) Type 1 diabetes When it comes to type 1 diabetes,...
Magnesium.Severe protein malnutrition may impair magnesium absorption[128]. Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is organic protein? Chemically, all food proteins are organic substances. However, to be “certified organic”, a food product has to have a certificate, for example, in the US, the “...