Low levels of prostate-specific antigen predict long-term risk of prostate cancer: results from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Urology 2001;58:411-6.Fang J, Metter EJ, Landis P, et al (2001): Low level of prostate-specific antigen predicts long term risk of prostate cancer: ...
However, there was no significant difference in the serum MMP-3 level between melanoma patients and controls (P = 0.51). The serum levels of VEGF were significantly influenced only by Breslow thickness (P = 0.045) and mitosis (0.039) and were not positively correlated with the stage of the ...
sixcancer-related or clinical factors were independently related to shorter conversion times: higher Gleason grade, higher PSA level, higher tumor stage, and higher number of positive biopsy cores, more recent year of diagnosis, and younger age, confirming...
Active surveillance in intermediate-risk prostate cancer with PSA 10-20ng/mL: pathological outcome analysis of a population-level database Background:Active surveillance (AS) is generally recognized as the preferred option for men with low-risk prostate cancer. Current guidelines use prostate-... PE...
Ok! by Elana Gotkine From 2014 to 2021, the rates of active surveillance for low-risk prostate cancer increased, but considerable practice- and practitioner-level variation is seen in its use, according to a study published online March 2 inJAMA Network Open. ...
© 1997 American Cancer Society. Carcinoma of the prostate is a heterogeneous disease with different biologic activity and highly unpredictable clinical behavior.1 Traditional morphologic parameters have been associated with patient survival, such as the tumor volume2 and the histologic grade of ...
Transrectal ultrasonography‐guided biopsy does not reliably identify dominant cancer location in men with low‐risk prostate cancer Study Type – Diagnostic (exploratory cohort)Level of Evidence 2bWhat's known on the subject? and What does the study add?The widespread use of serum PSA t... SL ...
This is the first population study to support the hypothesis that testosterone receptors onprostate cellsquickly become saturated. It appears that once that level has been reached, further increases in testosterone do not increase cancer growth. This could explain why only men with the lowest amount...
Intermittent hormonal therapy in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer: a randomized trial. Study Type 鈥 Therapy (RCT) Level of Evidence1b What's known on the subject? and What does the study add? Intermittent androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) i... N Mottet,JV Damme,S Loulidi,.....
King and Fowler (1) continue, in this issue, the discussion of the fractionation sensitivity of prostate cancer, concluding, in agreement with others (2), that the α/β ratio for this tumor is low. This leads to the hypothesis that a therapeutic benefit might be gained by judicious use ...