Mezei, Extremely-low-frequency magnetic field exposure of children at schools near high voltage transmission lines, Science of the Total Environment 376 (2007) 151-159.Li Cy, Sungb Fc, Chena Fl, et al. Extremely-low-frequency magnetic field exposure of children at schools near high voltage ...
Levels of engagement in different elements of the intervention were assessed by examining response rates of the weekly questionnaires implemented in the online platform, completion rates for all measures at baseline, end of treatment and follow up; level of attendance to the weekly chat sessions; ...
It is required to comprehensively improve the level of green and low- carbon buildings and continue to promote the construction of key cities to improve the energy efficiency of public buildings; all key cities at or above the prefecture-level will complete the renovation task, and the overall ... Influence 35,000+ management-level security professionals1 Security is your #1 print magazine in the enterprise security market!1 Security magazine reaches 35,000+ monthly subscribers2 and offers advertisers the market's highest quality audited print circulation.1 Security is the ...
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