The proposed structure is based on a hybrid concatenated electro-optic amplitude (or intensity) modulator (AM) and phase modulator (PM). The AM consists of a bidirectional PM inside a Sagnac loop (SL). Bias-drift associated problems do not present in the proposed structure because it uses ...
A single-chip digital polar transmitter integrates an all-digital synthesizer, a PM/AM modulator, and a linearized power amplifier for WCDMA/WLAN. The 1.7~2.5GHz LO signal is generated from an ADPLL together with a ÷1.5 divider to eliminate DCO pulling. A 2-segment ΣΔ phase modulator enha...
Level 1, 16 Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra, ACT, 2601, Australia BTT Health GmbH Billerberg 7 Inning am Ammersee, D-82266, Germany RehaCare Pty Ltd 147 Purchase Road, Cherrybrook, NSW, 2126, Australia Author information Authors and Affiliations Menzies Health Institute Queensland, School of...
Mechanical loads are omnipresent in all tissues and they act as an important modulator of cellular machinery during an organism’s development and homeostasis [17]-[20]. Cellular decisions such as growth, migration and differentiation are dependent on mechanical loads, and the absence of these loads...
An IQ modulator is a device that converts baseband information into RF signals. Internally, two double-balanced mixers are combined as shown below. By modulating with both in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) inputs, any arbitrary output amplitude and phase can be selected. ...
As used herein, the term “immune modulator” refers to an agent that is capable of adjusting a given immune response to a desired level, as in immunopotentiation, immunosuppression, or induction of immunologic tolerance. Examples of immune modulators include but are not limited to, betamethasone ...
各种细胞通过内质网应激调控机体对氟元素的反应,但氟元素对人牙髓细胞(human dental pulp cells,hDPCs)的影响尚不清楚。本研究拟探讨体外低剂量氟化钠对hDPCs成骨/成牙本质分化能力的影响及相关机制。 1 材料和方法 1.1 主要试剂和仪器 氟化钠(NaF)(PHR1408,Sigma,美国),噻唑蓝(MTT)(Sigma,美国),二甲基亚枫(...
21 MUTATIONS THAT PARTIALLY INACTIVATE pRB Class 2 low-penetrance mutations do not necessarily reduce the level of protein expression, but rather they affect the coding region of pRB and are thought to partially inactivate the protein (Table 2). This idea is supported by the fact that most ...
At the molecular level, for obvious relevance, we addressed protein levels of the five mitochondrial respiration complexes and two autophagy markers in the hippocampus and frontal-cortex, two brain areas robustly implicated in BD [97,98,99]. As mentioned above, we hypothesized that the mild mitoch...
(S100A8), often seen in patients with COVID-19. The impacts ofIrak-mdeletion are more nuanced, by exacerbating low-grade inflammation and refraining the development of exhaustion. Altogether, our analyses provide population-level adaptation of monocytes to the persistent challenges of LPS with ...