OnAugust 20th,2019, Nvidia released a new beta feature for its Graphics Driver titled “Ultra Low Latency Mode“. This feature introduces an option ultra-low latency mode in NVIDIA Control Panel that tweaks how the handling of frame buffering, along with sharper scaling for pixel art and retro...
《蜘蛛侠莫尔斯》RT on+DLSS质量 《战神4》dlss off ULTRA预设 《地平线零之曙光》 《赛博朋克2077》RT ultra+dlss质量 +5 8152111 amd吧 高级信仰 我真的不能接受AU有游戏瞬间掉帧的问题啊刚才看到今天最新的up主测试视频,又遇到了au玩游戏时候瞬间掉帧的情况(之前就经常听人说au会有这个问题),而12代u则没...