“Pete Davidson shares details about his surprising, low-key proposal to Ariana Grande” —Scott Baumgartner, Fox News (headline), August 2018 Note This content is not meant to be a formal definition of this term. Rather, it is an informal summary that seeks to provide supplemental information...
Dictionary browser ? ▲ Lowestoft low-fat low-fat diet low-fat milk low-fi low-flying Lowgh low-grade low-growing low-hanging fruit low-heeled low-impact low-impact technology lowing low-interest lowish Lowk low-key low-keyed lowland lowland burrowing treefrog lowland fir Lowland Scot lowland...
Low-income definition: of or relating to those with a relatively small income.. See examples of LOW-INCOME used in a sentence.
Define low-density. low-density synonyms, low-density pronunciation, low-density translation, English dictionary definition of low-density. Adj. 1. low-density - having low relative density or specific gravity light - of comparatively little physical wei
Besides the role of cities in ensuring adequate diets and managing the rising burden of NCDs, cities could also play a key role in enhancing resilience to food security shocks. This chapter discusses the challenge of the growing triple burden of malnutrition in urban contexts and advocates for ...
Future research should focus on several key areas to build on the findings of this study. First, expanding the sample to include a broader range of corporates, particularly SMEs, would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of the LCCP program across different types of firms. ...
This is not meant to be a formal definition of low-key like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of low-key that will help our users expand their word mastery....
Define Low latitude. Low latitude synonyms, Low latitude pronunciation, Low latitude translation, English dictionary definition of Low latitude. that part of the earth's surface which is near the equator. See also: Latitude Webster's Revised Unabridged D
and events should be considered simultaneously. The space can be treated as a stage where architectural events take place while the observer is in motion. The conditions, such as users’ emotions, perception, and sense of the space, influenced by the legible, narrative design, are key to the...
Convert the actual position value into a two-dimensional coordinate value into a three-dimensional one by using the conversion key value so that there is no error again. In this way, not only can the accuracy of a specific sensor be improved, but also location prediction data can be ...