Urban planning Food Deserts and Access to Fresh Food in Low-Income San Diego UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIASAN DIEGO Robert R. Alvarez PuhlEmily TheresaGovernment studies and public health literature have long promoted supermarkets as the optimal retail outlet for affordable, healthy food. This emphasis on...
UC San DiegoUC San Diego Electronic Theses and DissertationsTitleFood deserts and access to fresh food in low-income San DiegoPermalinkhttps://escholarship.org/uc/item/0s78j9g2AuthorPuhl, Emily TheresaPublication Date2011-01-01 Peer reviewed|Thesis/dissertationeScholarship.org Powered by the ...
While, indeed, many urban neighborhoods lack retailers that offer produce for sale, ethnic enclaves offer an alternative image of a fresh food environment within a low-income community. This study looks at the presence and price of fresh produce in three San Diego neighborhoods that are classified...
Ensuring access to low-income students and supporting them through graduation is a central part of UC San Diego’s mission to help bridge the gap and improve the outcomes for all qualified students—regardless of family income. The campus is among 30 universities in the nation that ha...
A partnership between Kick It California, a tobacco quitline operated by University of California San Diego, and local 211 information and referral agencies resulted in more than 55,000 new referrals for tobacco cessation services between 2021 and 2023,
et al. Sexual Behavior, Sexual Identity, and Substance Abuse Among Low-Income Bisexual and Non-Gay-Identifying African American Men Who Have Sex with Men. Arch Sex Behav 37, 748–762 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-008-9361-x Download citation Published11 June 2008 Issue Date...
The primary aim of the present study was to examine (1) whether depressive symptom severity was associated with the frequency of ED visits at two different points of time among low-income, depressed homebound older adults aged 50 years and older; and (2) whether changes in depressive ...
meaning lower desire. Effects might be more complex for low-income, poor, and working class women, who are painted as crudely sexual and “over”-reproducers (Lennon,2019; Szymanski et al.,2010), yet told that the only way out of poverty might be their appearance leading to marriage, esp...
OF THE THESIS The Influence of an Alcohol Intervention on the Use of Contraception Among Low-Income Women by Joanna L. Weston Master of Public Health with a Concentration in Health Promotion San Diego State University, 2011 Past research has shown a correlation between "risky" behaviors such as...
Coast Technology provides superior Technology, Security, and Low-Voltage contracting services to a variety of markets. From Low-Income and Market Rate Multifamily Communities, to Hotels, Offices, and Industrial properties, we have all your technology nee