Parks for an aging population: Needs and preferences of low- income seniors in Los Angeles. Journal of the American PlanningLoukaitou-Sideris, A., et al., Parks for an Aging Population: Needs and Preferences of Low-Income Seniors in Los Angeles. Journal of the American Planning Association, ...
Some states have used their tax dollars to cover a portion of health care expenses for some low-income immigrants. California first extended health care benefits to low-income children without legal status in 2015 and later added the benefits for young adults and people over th...
- Millions of low-income Californians would get a $600 payment from the state under a budget proposal by Gov. Gavin Newsom. The proposed payment, announced Wednesday, would go to people with annual incomes of less than $30,000, including immigrants living in the country illegally who file ta...
Complete Care Community Health Center provides affordable low income health clinics, womens health clinics, HIV & STD testing, and more throughout Los Angeles county.
to receive a$1.8-billion giftin 2018 to support need-blind undergraduate admissions. That — not the legacy admissions policy — has been the real key to increasing Johns Hopkins’ socioeconomic diversity, causing the share of its students who come from lower-income families tomore than...
by Venetia Lai,University of California, Los Angeles Credit: CC0 Public Domain Implementation of the Affordable Care Act cut in half the percentage of low-income, uninsured Californians under age 65, from 23 percent in 2013 to 11 percent in 2016-17. But federal law bars undocumented residents...
California ranks as the most unaffordable state when it comes to housing, according to an annual report by the National Low Income Housing Coalition. A person earning an hourly minimum wage of $15.50 would have to work nearly 90 hours a week to afford the statewide average for a m...
Some states have used their tax dollars to cover a portion of health care expenses for some low-income immigrants. California first extended health care benefits to low-income children without legal status in 2015 and later added the benefits for young adults and people over the...
A single mother raising two children now has an opportunity to provide a larger space for her family at an affordable price. 300 low-income units are coming to the Mission District.
byUniversity of California, Los Angeles Hidden poor seniors said they felt depressed “some, most or all of the time” at a rate of 10.6 percent, compared to 3.4 percent of those above the Elder Index. Single or partnered elderly Californians whose income is above the official poverty level ...