Geography Department, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.John Wiley & Sons, LtdAntipodeKlak, T. 1992a. Excluding the Poor from Low Income Housing Programs: The Roles of State Agencies and USAID in Jamaica. Antipode 24, 87-112.Klak T, 1992b, "Excluding the poor from low income housing ...
housing, transport, building codes, and land use systems evolved from a haphazard, often brutal jockeying among electricity utilities, oil automobile and mass transit companies, property developers, and various levels of governments, all pushing their particular narrow solutions in ways that created ...
rhetoric and resources, there is little impact on the housing conditions of the poor. Beyond these shared features, the specifics of the Jamaican case must be studied to achieve a fuller understanding of the limitations of the state’s low-income housing programs. Almost all state housing...
Contact Seton Lancaster Inc. for complete details on the current vacancies and housing applications. Tips Before Applying for Low Income Housing 1. Research all of the different low-income housing programs available in your area.There are a variety of federal, state, and local programs that offer...
At Chicago’s World Colombian Exposition of 1893, which was supposed to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Columbus’ voyage, historianFrederick Jackson Turnerdeclared the frontier closed. Downtown Buffalo rebuilt itself as a commercial and financial center during this period. Residential neighborhoods sh...
The sample used adolescent data from a longitudinal sample of adolescents in South Africa who were sampled to representatively capture a population of vulnerable adolescents from low-resource, low-income communities (Young Carers project data; Young Carers, 2023). Participants were recruited at wave 1...
Although this headline is taken from The New York Times, headlines consisting of the same two words graced the front pages of the Philadelphia Inquirer, The Washington Post, The Columbus Dispatch, and countless other major newspapers around the country in 1998. After a long-running scandal surroun...
Columbus Web Hosting is at theCeraNet, center, is part of CeraNet, & has been hosting web sites since 1996. We currently host some of the most visited web sites on the Internet. Our experience, outstanding support, and superior technical engineering ensure that your web site will...
In this work we have analyzed a number of urban streams in Columbus, Ohio, the 15th largest city in the U.S., for their dissolved trace metal concentrations. The three streams have subtle but measurably different land use patterns. Although, in general, the dissolved metal values observed ...
The present study focuses on a series of tributaries to the Olentangy River in Columbus, Ohio that represent the lowest order streams and their contributions to the chemical makeup of the river. The waters of these tributaries were analyzed for major ions, nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (...