is a comprehensive guide to finding low income housing in the US. Learn how to qualify, find tips, and browse listings of local low income housing apartments.
Deep-rooted racial residential segregation and housing discrimination have given rise to housing disparities among low-income Black young adults in the US. Most studies have focused on single dimensions of housing instability, and thus provide a partial view of how Black young adults experience multipl...
For senior low income housing in any state, check with the local County Office on Aging,HUDor local builders specializing in this type of housing. This is page 1-East Coast. See all 4 pages on our site: Page 2 - Northern/Midwest ...
The detailed focus on a single metropolitan area allows the observation of detailed neighborhood amenities and the identification of the heterogeneity across public housing communities.Geyer, Judy AGeyer, J. (2011). Essays in Low-Income Housing Policies, Mobility, and Sorting. manuscript....
A prevailing ideology of color-blindness has resulted in privatizing the discourse on adoption...Quiroz, Pamela AnneWestern Michigan University, School of Social WorkJournal of Sociology & Social WelfareQuiro... PA Quiroz - 《Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare》 被引量: 16发表: 2007年 ...
Adapting to informality: multistory housing driven by a co-productive process and the People's Plans in Metro Manila, Philippines Faced with an ever-increasing demand for land in Metro Manila, as well as with the domination of standardised low-income housing models, the local civil so... J ...
This work, combing the CFD simulation with building energy modeling, evaluates the impact of natural cross-ventilation and building form on improving indoor thermal conditions in hot and arid climates. The analysis, focusing on low-income housing prototypes designed by Indian architect Charles Correa,...
Connectivity Program if their income is at or below 200% of the federal poverty level, or if a member of their family participates in one of several programs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA) and Veterans Pension and ...
Dolbeare, the founder of the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) and an affordable housing advocate for more than 50 years, died of cancer on March 17 at her home in Mitchellville, MS. Dolbeare organized the Ad Hoc Low Income Housing Coalition, the predecessor to the NLIHC, in...
Research suggests that housing circumstances may underpin the vulnerability of some low-income households to food insecurity. To explore the relationship between housing affordability and food access, data from the 2001 Survey of Househo... SI Kirkpatrick,V Tarasuk - 《Faseb Journal》 被引量: 0发...