is a comprehensive guide to finding low income housing in the US. Learn how to qualify, find tips, and browse listings of local low income housing apartments.
Seton Coshocton Affordable Housing for Seniors is a HUD Apartment. HUD residents usually pay 30% of their gross income for rent. The rent amount, less approved HUD deductions such as medical and child care expenses, and other allowances, includes a utility allowance. HUD Residents also may ch...
When I was an apartment manager I had seniors living there who could no longer afford the rising rents. They had to leave the apartment they loved and look for senior low-income housing. They applied for help at their local HUD office or county aging departments. We hated to see them go...
He shows us how we can all make a difference in our own unique way. Please help us celebrate this true hero by sharing his inspiring story. Watch the video here: