Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) & Weatherization program Helps low income people cut their electric and gas bill https://www.hacap.org/energy https://www.hub25.org/housing-neighborhoods/home-weatherization/ https://www.greeniowaamericorps.org/energysaverkit ...
I was flexible in where to live. My family was from a small town in Iowa where absolutely nothing was going on for me job-wise. That said, I could have limited the cities I would consider to only those close to my hometown. But I did not. Other than the far West and far East, ...
In the long run, increasing your credit score will save you a lot of money when buying a home. With that being said, the housing market is always fluctuating and real estate tends to appreciate in value over time. This can help offset the cost of buying a house with low credit. ...