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Healthcare coverage and service access for low-income adults with substance use disordersMark Olfson a bChristine Mauro bMelanie M. Wall a b cC. Jean Choi cColleen L. Barry fRamin Mojtabai d e
TheLow Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)can be a game-changer for households facing financial hardships. This federal initiative helps low-income families cover heating, cooling, and energy costs, ensuring homes remain safe and comfortable. Key Takeaways: Quick Answers to Your Most Pres...
Healthcare 3.06% Financial Services 2.78% Consumer Cyclical 2.20% Communication Services 1.96% Other 4.01% Top 5 regions 0%25%50%75%100% United States 14.34% Eurozone 1.80% Japan 1.14% Emerging Market 0.92% Asia - Developed 0.76% Other 2.37% Sector and region weightings are calculated using ...
Healthcare utilization services in Malaysia remains relatively low as compared to the rate in most high-income countries and some gaps exist across socioeconomic status. After the financial handouts deemed Household Living Aid (HLA) to low-income earners, Malaysia has recently implemented a financial...
The study aimed at developing a set of attributes for a ‘good’ health system performance assessment (HSPA) framework from literature and experiences in different contexts and using the attributes for a structured approach to lesson learning for low-income countries (LICs). Methods Literature review...
Integration of mental health into primary care in low- and middle-income countries: the PRIME mental healthcare plans & Patel, V., 2016, `Integration of mental health into primary care in low- and middle- income countries: The PRIME mental health care plans. ... Tomlinson,Mark,Lund,... ...
In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), fever is the primary reason for seeking health care, and mortality rates for patients requiring hospital admission for severe febrile illness (SFI) range from ap- proximately 5 to 20% [1–6]. In general, diagnostic cap- acity in LMICs is ...
With the increasing numbers in cases worldwide, even the countries with the best of healthcare facilities are reeling under the burden of the disease. Therefore, in countries with limited access to resources and poor healthcare infrastructure, the low and middle-income countries (LMICs), limiting...
Despite the significant benefits of palliative care (PC) services for cancer patients, multiple challenges hinder the provision of PC services for these patients. Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are witnessing a sharp growth in the burden of non