norrie19436over a year ago Hi, I am 25 years old female and my doctor ordered me to make blood analysis as I complained on tiredness, sleepy and bad appetite. When I get my report from blood analysis I saw that my HCT and HGB are low. I would like to know what it means. Thank ...
What is hemoglobin (Hgb, Hb)? Low levels of hemoglobin indicate the presence of anemia, and the reason for the anemia should be determined. Hemoglobin (abbreviated Hgb or Hb) is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and returns ca...
What causes Hb to be low? Possible causes of low Hgb include:lack of iron in your diet, which makes it harder for your bone marrow to produce Hgb. lack of folate or vitamin B-12, which can lead to your body producing fewer red blood cells than are needed. severe blood loss after su...
A blood smear:This small blood sample is examined under a microscope for signs of problems. Hemoglobin (Hgb) test: This test measures hemoglobin levels to check for anemia, a blood disorder that's characterized by a low RBC count. When done with an HCT blood test, it is commonly referred ...
Often ‘mean corpuscular hgb’ used to explain MCH as well (wherehgbmeanshemoglobin). MCH and MCHC level ranges MCH and MCHC Meaning Both imply corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and suggest corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) show the typical hemoglobin material of red blood cells in somewhat di...
When the partial pressure of O_2 is high, then ___ (more/ less) )2 binds to hemoglobin. This means that the % saturation of hemoglobin is ___ (high/ low). The erythrocyte (red blood cell) count increases after a while when an individual goes from a lo...
But a study published atScientific Reportsin October 2024 suggests thatketogenic diets reduce overall mortality by 24% with no effect on cardiovascular-related deaths. Click the link to see the full report. I haven’t read it yet. Don’t ask me what “restricted cubic spline function” means...
The ‘time to live’ means how many networks the packet has passed through over time. It can be used to infer the ‘begin time’ of attacks. Most importantly, we introduce the ‘time delta’ feature between any two packets in same sub-flow. It is an import indicator of LDDoS attack,...
What Does “Going Keto” Mean? “Going keto” means putting your body into a state of ketosis, which is a metabolic state that occurs when most of the body’s energy comes from ketone bodies in the blood, rather than from glucose (or sugar). On the keto diet, you are tricking your ...
there are many different paths between layers, which can alleviate the vanishing-gradient problem effectively. At the same time, the convolutional kernels can be reduced since the feature is propagated well between layers. This means the number of parameters in model substantially reduces, which can...