Among them, some health issues are found to occur often, like issues with the hemoglobin level (anemia) of the blood. In Ayurveda, Garbhini-Pandu (anemia in pregnancy) has not been referred so far, but at one place Kashyapa stated that if a pregnant woman become weak and white ...
Pregnant females are advised to avoid both high and low hemoglobin levels to avoid increased risks of stillbirths (high hemoglobin – above the hemoglobin normal range) and premature birth or low-birth-weight babies (low hemoglobin – below the hemoglobin normal range). What level of hemoglobin ...
Susanti AI, Sahiratmadja E, Winarno G, Sugianli AK, Susanto H, Panigoro R. Low hemoglobin among pregnant women in midwives practice of primary health care, Jatinangor, Indonesia: Iron deficiency Anemia or β-thalassemia trait? Anemia. 2017:5. Article ID 6935648....
Her hemoglobin was 13.30 g/dl, and platelet of 197,000 per micro-liter. Per-speculum examination was not performed. She was managed conservatively and discharged three days after admission, as the bleeding didn’t recur. However, at 28+ 5 weeks of pregnancy, she again presented to the ...
Genetic disorders:Someinheritedconditions, such asthalassemiaorsickle cell anemia, affect the structure or production of hemoglobin, leading to anemia and reduced oxygen-carrying capacity. Blood loss:Acute or chronic blood loss, whether through injury, menstruation, gastrointestinal bleeding or other causes...
Pregnancy:ENHERTU can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Advise patients of the potential risks to a fetus. There are clinical considerations if ENHERTU is used in pregnant women, or if a patient becomes pregnant within 7 months after the last dose of ENHERTU. ...
In a study of 755 pregnant women, those with higher aflatoxin blood levels were more likely to be anemic [76]. 14) Bone Marrow Disorders Anemia and low hemoglobin levels can result from bone marrow disorders (e.g. leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma) and damage due to toxins, radiation, chemotherap...
Pregnant teens, regardless of pica, are at higher risk for low hemoglobin, which can lead to iron deficiency andanemia. Low iron inpregnant teensraises the risk of premature births and babies with low birth weights, which in turn increasesinfant mortality rates. ...
Most pregnancies happen when Mirena IUDs slip out without users realizing it. Even though the chance ofpregnancy while using Mirenais extremely low, if it does happen, call your healthcare provider as soon as you realize that you're pregnant. ...
prevalence of anemia in women and children, based on the distribution of blood hemoglobin concentration values in different populations globally, was strikingly reported as 39.8% in children up to five years of age, 29.9% in women of reproductive age (non-pregnant), and 36.5% in pregnant women...