Theweepingvarieties of Japanese Maple are beautiful year round. The branches and leaves cascade down in an umbrella shape and have stunning foliage that changes color each season. Different types boast leaves that change to purple, red, orange, pink, and yellow. These are hardy, slow-growing t...
The Amur maple (Acer ginnala) is a small, low-maintenance tree that can create a great natural privacy screen in your backyard. This deciduous tree is native to northern Asia and offers vibrant red fall foliage, adding a touch of color to your landscape. Amur maples can thrive in various ...
Japanese zelkovalowest survival temperatureLSTLTEred maplewhite ashAlthough differential thermal analysis has been routinely used to evaluate cold hardiness, the relationship of deep supercooling ability and plant survival are not well understood. In this study, we compared the seasonal profiles of changes...
Pruning is simply the removal of wood that is diseased, damaged, dead, or growing in the wrong direction. Pruning for other reasons usually means that the tree or shrub is probably in the wrong place to begin with. Many shrubs and trees have fallen victim to aggressive pruning; some ...
Tree growth (includ- ing stem radial growth) is simulated on an annual basis. Potential GPP is determined by the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) incident on the vegetation can- opy during the growing season (here defined as the period with temperatures above −1 °C, ...