Low-grade fevers: 99.1 to 100.4 F Moderate-grade fevers: 100.6 to 102.2 F High-grade fevers: 102.4 to 105.8 F If you're an adult with a fever of over 104 F, you should call your doctor. If you have a fever, you might have other symptoms besides just feeling warm. These can includ...
Low-grade fevers: 99.1 to 100.4 F Moderate-grade fevers: 100.6 to 102.2 F High-grade fevers: 102.4 to 105.8 F If you're an adult with a fever of over 104 F, you should call your doctor. If you have a fever, you might have other symptoms besides just feeling warm. These can includ...
21. A toddler who seemed lethargic and unresponsive had been running alow-gradefever since arriving at the orphanage after the earthquake. But she had not been taken to a doctor. 一个幼童在地震发生后被送了过来,幼童发着低烧,昏睡没有反应,Mardy女士也没有带他去看医生。