Neonatal infection risk in women with an epidural increased with temperature; in babies of afebrile women with an epidural the risk was 1.9% with increasing risk from low grade to high grade fever from 4.9% to 10%. Conclusion It is impossible to identify a safe cut-off for intrapartum ...
Four days before ad- mission she developed symptoms of a viral illness with low grade fever, irritability, mild diarrhea, and intermittent vomiting. On the morning of admission she was found unarousable in bed with labored breathing. She stopped breathing on the way to another hospital and was...
developmentoflowgrade non-Hodgkinlymphoma(NHL)inthemastoidboneina patientwithanatypicalCogan’ssyndromewithout progressionofNHLandwithsymptomaticdeteriorationof Cogan’ssyndrome,respondingonlytoTNF-amodulation. Casepresentation A67yearoldfemaleCaucasianpatientfromGreecepresented inApril2003withintermittentfeversupto38°...
HRU, including speciality care visits, filled prescriptions, and administered medications, was common; 74% of patients had prescriptions for anti-infectives, 56% antiemetics, and 52% required pain or fever relief. Sixty-five percent of patients underwent treatment to control their pLGG, the most ...