{node: '>=12'} hasBin: true requiresBuild: true optionalDependencies: '@esbuild/linux-loong64': 0.14.54 esbuild-android-64: 0.14.54 esbuild-android-arm64: 0.14.54 esbuild-darwin-64: 0.14.54 esbuild-darwin-arm64: 0.14.54 esbuild-freebsd-64: 0.14.54 esbuild-freebsd-arm64: 0.14....
In this manner, the ICD/pacemaker device responds to a low amplitude ventricular fibrillation that may not be sensed by the normal sensing circuits.doi:US5350401 APaul A. LevineUS5350401 1993年3月26日 1994年9月27日 Siemens Pacesetter, Inc. Implantable cardioverter/defibrillator device having means...
GSTeaongdraFpShTicdaislsdimistialanrcietys matrixes for COI and microsatellites, were considered as the shortest linear distance in kilometres by sea. The IBD analysis was performed with all populations with a stratification method to consider the divergence associated with the "basin" factor: ...
MasothSe2 tbraacnksgisattoe rasnfdabthreicagattieond.i eleTchtreicd,ergeesnpeercattiveleylyd. oTpheedsSoiusrucbesatrnadtedarnadinthceon3t0a0c-tns mweSrieOf2olramyeerdseursvinedg electron-beam lithography followed by deposition of 10 nm Cr and 70 nm Au. The electrical properties of ...
UndVeOrCthese irradiation conditions, the PV cell can g0e.6n4e5raVte the free charges needed to reachIiStCs saturation current and, consequently, walk aro8u.9n9d Aits own I-V pcuhrovteo.nTs hweacsacliobnrdatuioctnedofFwtFhitehcaucrarelinbtranteeeddierdraodniatthioenLcEeDllstofoorbotbatian...
44..DDiissccuussssiioonnaannddCCoonncclluussiioonnss AAnnaaccttiviveeccoonnttrroollmmeeththooddfoforrccoonntrtroolllilninggloloww-f-rfreeqquueennccyyuurrbbaannnnooisiseewwhhilielemmaainintataininininggnnaattuurraall vveennttilialattiioonniinn aa bbuuiillddiinngg wwaassddeevvisiseedd. .FoF...
vue3.x + vite2.x + vant + element-plus H5移动端低代码平台 lowcode 可视化拖拽 可视化编辑器 visual editor 类似易企秀的H5制作、建站工具、可视化搭建工具 - vite-vue3-lowcode/pnpm-lock.yaml at main · Evach/vite-vue3-lowcode
RTIL's are solvent free electrolytes consisting of cation/anion pairs. RTILs possess character- istic properties such as high ionicity, low volatility, high physical and chemical stability, and wide electrochemical window which are advantageous from the perspective of gas sensing applications12. Our ...
The grain lseiznegathndonFWtheHsMurofafcEe1.2g mode of grown MoS2 were decreased by decreasing temperature owing to short diffusion pchrea-TrdahecepteonrsiusittmeicdboMefrloao2y1fe, rtahedMe sgourSrof2walctaheye(entrheehrgadyse3t1ba,eioleerndthgceroosnuwvptehenrptsiarootuncraeasltlsiyoisnc...