画质方面:不开光追的话,相较于传承板 帧数基本不变 (有些场景会小幅降低,但是也基本在误差范围内。)(推测:新版因为画面其他有些升级 比如粒子方面还有特效 应该对显卡的要求更高了 但是新版删除了旧版的性能开销很大的抗锯齿 在画面抗拒齿效果更好的情况下减少了性能开销。 可能有一部分跟画面提升需要的开销相抵...
物理效果简化:**对车辆碰撞、角色动作等物理效果进行了优化,使其更适合低性能电脑运行。尽管“GTA5 Low PC Mod”牺牲了部分细节,但其为玩家带来的流畅体验不言而喻。通过这款mod,中低端电脑玩家也可以畅游洛圣都,体验GTA5带来的无尽乐趣。总结而言,技术的进步与游戏社区的热情使得更多玩家得以接触到...
This reshade is made for users who can only run GTA 5 with medium settings. Requirements: Reshade (https://reshade.me/) Features: Brighter colors Darker Nights Sharpening to make it less blurry Almost no FPS drop Installation Instructions: 1) Download Reshade (WHEN IT ASKS IF YOU ...
2018年7月02日 More mods inmisccategory: 5.0 52921 Twisted Metal Addon Pack 2.9 ByMadMax88 声音 界面 5.0 60626 Flash FM [GTA: Vice City] v0.3 Bybackforce 环境配置 5.0 1095 Armenian Power 13 (West Vinewood) 1.0 Byalandog2500 杂项纹理 ...
Extreme Low End Mod by jacob For low end PCs More information in the file === What I did: visualsettings: made very low timecyc: made extreme low Farclip settings.xml: very low settings, also made for low cpu usage grasslodsettings: removed grass...
low0.1%4帧..14900k➕4070ti 1080p的屏幕 188fps也就算了突然卡一下然后low0.1就只有4帧了不可能带不起啊
Oh, I see, but considering that I will build my new PC with low end CPU then upgrade it when I have the money, upgradability is a really important thing for me. You will get enough upgradability from the current AMD platform. I don't see any reasons to wait 2 years until AM5 ...
Product: Omen 15 DC1001NT Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) Hi. My computer gets low FPS during GTA 5 gameplay no matter what setting i am using. The processor usage does not go above %35. And GPU usage does not go above %40. What i need to do? Thanks. Tags:...