FDG-PET/CT对于T1期肺癌N期与M期病灶诊断优于普通CT,但受CT衰减校正 (CT attenuation-corrected, CTAC)数据采集与重建模式影响与早期肺癌糖代谢低的特点,T1期(直径≤3 cm,实性、部分实性、非实性)原发灶检出与定性比较困难。肺部低剂量CT(low dose CT, LDCT)可以弥补前者缺点。通过改进数据采集重建模式,使...
3.LungCancerScreeningOptionWhitePaper 4.DoseCheckManagementWhitePaper 肺癌筛查现状 ⚫预防医学工作组(USPSTF)和医疗与医疗救助服务 1 (CMS)推荐对高风险个人实施低剂量CT肺癌筛查。 ⚫医疗已经批准对其受益人中有资格进行低剂量CT肺癌筛查 2 的高风险患者给予医保报销。
CT screening for lung cancer brings forward early disease. The randomised Danish Lung Cancer Screening Trial: status after five annual screening rounds wit... BACKGROUND: The effects of low-dose CT screening on disease stage shift, mortality and overdiagnosis are unclear. Lung cancer findings and ...
目的:研究低剂量CT(low-dose CT,LDCT)在亚实性肺腺癌结节影像分期中的应用效果.方法:抽取43例亚实性肺腺癌患者为研究对象(2016年12月至2020年1月),所有患者均经病理检查明确为亚实性肺腺癌,予以CT诊断,进行结节影像分期.观察结节CT分期与病理分期情况.结果:CT诊断显示,GGO 44.19%,磨玻璃影25.58%,模糊结节30.23...
With the latest advanced technology, lung cancer screening can be performed with low-dose computed tomography (low-dose CT) with reduced exposure to radiation.
Lung cancer screening with CT Several feasibility studies of low-dose CT in heavy smokers have been performed. In summary, using similar diagnostic algorithms, they all demonstrated that non-invasive classification of detected nodules based on density, size and detection of growth is possible resulting...
Low radiation dose computed tomography (CT) has been shown to have a much higher sensitivity for small pulmonary nodules, which are believed to be the most common presentation of early lung cancer. As, however, small pulmonary nodules are common and most are not malignant, non-invasive ...
The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio ( ICER ) for lung cancer screening with low-dose CT falls below $US100000/ QALY versus no screening, "a threshold level that some experts consider to be a reasonable value in the United States", contend investigators from that country. They compared the...
University of GroningenLung cancer screening with low-dose CTDu, Yihui; Sidorenkov, Grigory; Heuvelmans, Marjolein A; Vliegenthart, Rozemarijn; Groen,Harry J M; Greuter, Marcel J W; de Bock, Geertruida HPublished in:European Journal of RadiologyDOI:10.1016/j.ejrad.2022.110182IMPORTANT NOTE: ...
City and President of the Chest Foundation, is that low-dose CT can be used for surveillance in lung cancer. "We don't have a screening tool for lung cancer, which is so important in this high-risk group with a first primary [cancer]," she told Medscape. "This is a big advance."...