If you are a smoker or a former smoker, a simple screening could save your life. Take our online Lung Health Assessment.
Hongbing ShenDepartment of Epidemiology医学前沿:英文版Low-dose ct for lung cancer screening:Opportunities and challenges. Shen H. Front Med . 2017Hongbing Shen.Low-dose CT for lung cancer screening: opportunities and challenges[J].医学前沿,2018,(1)....
As a result, it is not enough to screen only the high-risk groups to detect lung cancer in the early stages. With the latest advanced technology, lung cancer screening can now be performed with low-dose computed tomography (low-dose CT). This screening method takes 3-dimensional x-rays ...
Lung cancer screening with CT Several feasibility studies of low-dose CT in heavy smokers have been performed. In summary, using similar diagnostic algorithms, they all demonstrated that non-invasive classification of detected nodules based on density, size and detection of growth is possible resulting...
The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio ( ICER ) for lung cancer screening with low-dose CT falls below $US100000/ QALY versus no screening, "a threshold level that some experts consider to be a reasonable value in the United States", contend investigators from that country. They compared the...
图4 Results from the reader study—lung cancer screening on a single CT volume. LUMAS buckets 指的是符合Lung-RADS中3+, 4A+ and 4B/X肺癌预测概率的操作点。 图a:模型(蓝线)与普通放射科医生在使用单个CT容积的不同Lung-RADS类别(交叉)中的表现。交叉的长度表示置信区间(CI)。
Nodule density, size and the demonstration of growth at follow-up have been shown to be useful in this respect and may in the future be supplemented by contrast-enhanced CT and positron emission tomography. Based on these diagnostic algorithms preliminary studies of low-dose CT in heavy smokers...
内容提示: Original InvestigationLung Cancer Screening withLow-Dose CT: Baseline ScreeningResults in ShanghaiLi Fan, MD 1 , Yun Wang, MM 1 , Ying Zhou, MD 1 , Qiong Li, MD, Wenjie Yang, MD, Shengping Wang, MD,Fei Shan, MD, Xingwei Zhang, MD, Jingyun Shi, MD, Wufei Chen, MD, ...
University of GroningenLung cancer screening with low-dose CTDu, Yihui; Sidorenkov, Grigory; Heuvelmans, Marjolein A; Vliegenthart, Rozemarijn; Groen,Harry J M; Greuter, Marcel J W; de Bock, Geertruida HPublished in:European Journal of RadiologyDOI:10.1016/j.ejrad.2022.110182IMPORTANT NOTE: ...