In the base case, AI-alone was the cost-effective strategy and dominated APBI-alone, while combined therapy was not cost-effective when compared to AI-alone ($171,451/QALY) or APBI-alone ($107,932/QALY). In probabilistic sensitivity analyses, AI-alone was cost-effective at $100,000/QALY...
Each 10 mL/kg/day increase in HM in the first 14 days of life was associated with 0.26 fewer hospitalizations (p = 0.04) at 1 year and 0.21 fewer pediatric subspecialist types (p = 0.04) and 0.20 fewer specialized therapy types (p = 0.04) at 2 years. Conclusion HM ...
potentially due to its anxiolytic, hypnotic, and euphoric effects.Citation68In patients with a history of substance abuse, the potential for misuse or abuse of prescription oxybate therapy may be a barrier, but not necessarily always.Citation9SXB has been available in the...
However, this additional couple time and greater ability to fulfill familial responsibilities may come with a cost in terms of higher risk of intimate partner violence victimization; IPV victimization may spike when interpersonal expectations are raised but not fulfilled to the perpetrators’ satisfaction...