83. (Golf) golf the distance that a ball rolls after hitting the ground 84. a run for one's money informal a. a strong challenge or close competition b. pleasure derived from an activity 85. in the long run as the eventual outcome of a sequence of events, actions, etc; ultimately ...
Running gait patterns have implications for revealing the causes of injuries between higher-mileage runners and low-mileage runners. However, there is limited research on the possible relationships between running gait patterns and weekly running mileages. In recent years, machine learning algorithms have...
Eliminating the 3 entirely would have left a noticeable void given the distance from the disk to the edge. Dior at Alto, Oxford Street Quality of the Orient 3 Star CaseThe case is constructed of a stainless steel alloy to help ensure its durability and long life. It features a combination ...
and I weigh 110 pounds. There is a lot of rocking motion from side to side when using the machine. Also it will not register the calories or the distance correctly, and the foot rest have a weird pointed portion on it that protrudes into you gym shoes...
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, a lot of times people get pretty rigid with exercise,” says Rosenfeld. Instead of trying to run the same distance each day or week, remember that it’s OK to deviate and do what your body needs instead. “Increased flexibility and reduced expectations, I think can go a long way.”...
Tracking performance is dependent on lighting and environment. False positive detections of hands are possible when the distance is comparable to other nearby objects, such as monitors or keyboards. With optimal tracking conditions it is possible to fluidly convert detected joint positions to a model...
I suspect that after a trip through the NY subway, or to the typical lavatory on a long distance flight, my hands are in much worse shape hygienically speaking than my foot. Yet I understand the historical aversion to seeing a foot up on anything other than the ground. Reply noscreen...
The timed up-and-go (TUG) test is a marker of functional mobility and dynamic balance [55]. Briefly, the participant will rise from a seated position without using their arms for assistance, walk as fast as possible without running a distance of 3 m, pivot at the indicated mark, and ...
When investigating the interaction of these two, results indicated that the efficiency of target detection in dual-target search was further limited by the prevalence effect, suggesting that when searching for two targets, the dual-target cost can be increased when these targets are of different ...