with Low-code Solutions Our low-code solutions make app development easier, move processes faster, and take your business efficiency to the next level–without breaking the bank. Contact Us Our customers See all customer stories ➜ Low-code platforms ...
Our services across leading Low Code app platforms such as Mendix, Power Apps, Simplifier, etc. provide end-to-end capabilities for inculcating a scalable digital-first mindset.
All department solutions Ecosystems Nintex for Salesforce Automate your business critical processes within Salesforce with ease of integration and use. Nintex for Microsoft Maximize the power of your Microsoft tools with no-code advanced workflows and process intelligence. All ecosystem partners Get...
Create custom applications, no code required Create apps by adding pages, connecting data, and then dragging-and-dropping components onto the page canvas. And with everything built to be responsive, you don’t have to worry about manually adding breakpoints or designing multiple variations. ...
Create custom applications, no code required Create apps by adding pages, connecting data, and then dragging-and-dropping components onto the page canvas. And with everything built to be responsive, you don’t have to worry about manually adding breakpoints or designing multiple variations. ...
体验地址:https://www.authine.com/low-code/ 成立时间:2010年 公司总部:深圳 团队规模:200+ 3、活字格 活字格企业级低代码开发平台是基于葡萄城在专业控件领域 40 年的技术积累,由简单易用的可视化设计器和部署灵活的服务器构成,能帮助开发人员、IT 技术人员快速构建美观易用、架构专业、安全可控的企业级多...
低代码(Low Code)是一种现代应用开发方法,它通过提供可视化的开发环境和少量的代码编写,来加速应用程序的开发过程。这种方法的核心优势在于能够自动化那些程序员通常不愿意或难以处理的繁琐代码,从而缩短开发周期并提高开发效率。 低代码平台通常包含以下特点:
Unlock the power of low-code app development with Nintex Apps. Build and automate custom business solutions in the cloud—no complex coding required.
43家国内外低代码&零代码平台介绍-LowCode低码时代 随着全球数字化进程的加速,敏捷、灵活、易用的低代码、零代码开发方式成为企业构建应用、系统的重要手段之一,同时宏观数字化经济趋势叠加传统企业数字化转型诉求,为低代码、零代码提供了肥沃的发育“土壤”,无限放大了市场下沉潜力。
根据LowCode低码时代发布的“2022中国低代码、零代码行业报告”显示,未来5年的新增应用数量将呈现极速增长态势,受限于人力技术开发效能瓶颈,企业与机构的15%~30%开发需求将无法通过人工开发的方式被即时满足。 在此背景下,LowCode低码时代对国内外44家主流低代码、零代码平台进行汇总整理,希望能够帮助广大用户深入了解...