Barltrop D, Mole RH, Sutton A 1977 Absorption and endogenous faecal excretion of calcium by low birthweight infants on feeds with varying contents of calcium and phosphate. Arch Dis Child 52: 41- 49I I . Barltrop D. Mole RH, Sutton A. Absorption and endogenous faecal excretion ofcalcium ...
Low calcium-contg. Xanthan gum having smooth fluidity is prepd. by culturing and fermenting Xanthomonas campestris in an aq. medium, which is free of the calcium ion. 0.7-1.0% phosphate is added to the medium. The generally permitted content of calcium is less than 0.04 wt. %. Produced Xan...
Although the incidence of parathyroid tetany is rather small, nevertheless its treatment is sometimes attended by certain difficulties, especially when the DISease assumes the chronic Form and the injection of parathyroid extract and the ingestion of large doses of calcium salts become necessary. The ...
A process for producing low-fluorine calcium phosphate granules comprises a special roasting process in which the granules are heated to a temperature sufficient to expand the granules and evolve volatile fluorine compounds. The product resulting from the process according to the invention has a higher...
NET RETENTION OF CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM AND PHOSPHATE IN THE THREE FIRST DAYS OF LIFE IN THE LOW BIRTH WEIGHT NEONATE: 33Twenty-six low birthweight infants with no differences in the neonatal status were allocated into three groups. Group A (10 infants), Group B (8 infants), and C (8 ...
Bone regenerative engineering could replace autografts; however, no synthetic material fulfills all design criteria. Nanocarbons incorporated into three-dimensional printed (3DP) matrices can improve properties, but incorporation is constrained to low wt
Involvement of calcium and arachidonate metabolism in acetylated-low-density-lipoprotein-stimulated tumor-necrosis-factor-alpha production by rat peritonea... Involvement of calcium and arachidonate metabolism in acetylated-low-density-lipoprotein-stimulated tumor-necrosis-factor-alpha production by rat ...
Comparative analysis of the kinetic characteristics of L-type calcium channels in cardiac cells of hibernators An undefined property of L-type Ca2+ channels is believed to underlie the unique phenotype of hibernating hearts. Therefore, L-type Ca2+ channels in single... E A.,Alekseev,and,... ...
Calcium plays an essential role in physiology of the cardiovascular system. Aberrations from normal serum calcium levels are known to be associated with several cardiovascular diseases. Its possible role as a predictor for long-term mortality after acute
urine phosphate concentration UCrea: urine creatinine concentration UVol: urine volume PCa: plasma calcium concentration UCa: urine calcium concentration Author information Authors and Affiliations Division of Neonatology and Paediatric Critical Care Medicine, Children's Hospital, University of Ulm, 89070, Ulm...