MmHg represents the height to which the pressure in the blood vessels can push a column of mercury in a manometer or sphygmomanometer, which are devices used to measure blood pressure. When a blood pressure reading is taken, two pressure levels are measured: systolic (the pressure during a hea...
Dr. Ravnskov M.Dreports that the Masai blood cholesterol levels are among the lowest in the world. For decades now we have been told not to eat saturated fats. Years ago the media ran the all too familiar line about the dangers of eggs. This message has been rescinded at least. But w...
The role of electrolytes in the body includes prevent cells from shrinking or swelling, enable normal muscle contraction and relaxation, maintain normal blood pressure, maintain normal rhythm and rate of the heart, and more. Electrolytesare essential in regulating critical bodily functions. When your ...
Common health disorders with increased protein excretion in urine include systemic infections, urinary tract infections, kidney disorders (nephrotic syndrome with facial and feet swelling), heart disease, high blood pressure (including high blood pressure during pregnancy ─ preeclampsia or eclampsia), diab...
Perception and knowledge of risk factors for pregnancy influence health behaviors during pregnancy and childbirth. We used a descriptive qualitative study to examine the perception and knowledge of risk factors in pregnancy and childbirth in low-income u
These products are used to treat people with serious infections among which children, pregnant women and frail elderly people. Although it is a worldwide commonly occurring problem, it is still not eradicated and continues to exert a devastating negative impact mainly because of the lack of ...