However, James and Denise’s situation is not unique. It reflects what has become a suspiciously common pattern in women’s relationships with men more broadly, where a woman’s sexual desire disappears and/or becomes “too low” and then is deemed a dysfunction within the woman. This pattern...
In some cases you can avoid the locking overhead; however, an improvement in performance comes with two significant software engineering costs. First, low-lock techniques can only be applied in narrow circumstances, and can easily be misapplied or broken by later code modifications, i...
First, low-lock techniques can only be applied in narrow circumstances, and can easily be misapplied or broken by later code modifications, introducing difficult-to-find bugs. Second, low-lock techniques rely on details of the memory system and compiler that were previously irrelevant. These ...
In general, LRP aims to narrow the gap between the classification and interpretability of multi-layer neural networks on nonlinear cores22,23. The overall idea is to understand the contribution of a single feature of dataset \(x\) to the prediction \(f\left( x \right)\) made by the ...
According to the statistical results of Peralta-Ferriz and Woodgate (2015)27, the summertime (June–September) mixed layer depths in the Chukchi Sea shelf have a narrow, quasi-normal distribution. Therefore, the long-term trend of MLDs from ship-based observations was estimated as the best ...
0.023 2nd-order streams per km2) due to geomorphological differences, as the Quilombo River area is hillier and streams are restricted to the narrow valleys. Wetlands cover 196.71 km2, corresponding to 11.79% of the catchment area (Fig. 5). Riparian wetlands form small strips or patches along ...
Long-term acclimation of barley photosynthetic apparatus to narrow-band red and blue light Photosynthetica, 56 (3) (2018), pp. 851-860 Google Scholar Kohnen et al., 2016 M.V. Kohnen, E. Schmid-Siegert, M. Trevisan, L.A. Petrolati, F. Senechal, P. Müller- Moulé, J. Maloof, I....
Another important aspect is to find the appropriate selection criteria, in which previous studies have criticized TT programs for adopting inappropriately narrow criteria, focusing mainly on physical and anthropometric factors [10]. Accordingly, studies have emphasized the importance of assessing athletes’...
The two carbon lines were particularly strong (as visible in Table 2) in the front edge areas of the contact area and almost hidden by the luminescence in other areas. Nevertheless, the detection of narrow D and G lines indicates the formation of a transfer layer whose structure is clearly ...
selectable 7.5 msâ4 s connection interval offers a sufficiently wide window to allow product designers to make the right tradeoff between responsiveness (a short connection interval) and battery life (a longer connection interval), without straying to far from the narrow design goals behind...