and treatment of cervical cancer stages I and II (using surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy as needed) $101-$1000 per healthy life year gained Pharmaceutical treatment of stroke and ischemic heart disease event Intensive psychosocial treatment and anti-depressant medication for recurrent moderate-...
Low and Moderate Income Rental Low and/or Middle Income Countries low angle Low Angle Detachment Zone low angle fire Low Angle Laser Light Scanning Low Angle Light Scattering low angle loft bombing Low Angle Low Drag Low Angle Rope Rescue Operational ...
obtained from cuttings were exposed for 6 or 8 weeks to NH[SUB3] concentrations of 50 and 100 渭gm[SUP-3] or filtered air in fumigation chambers. After this exposure the rates of NH[SUB3] uptake, transpiration, CO[SUB2] assimilation and respiration or leaves were measured using a leaf ...
Aslam et al. [27] conducted HRQoL measurements of hypertensive patients with comorbid CKD using the EQ-5D-5L instrument [28]. This tool rates health on five levels: “extreme problem”, “severe problem”, “moderate problem”, “mild problem”, and “no problem.” Furthermore, the EQ-5D...
Aslam et al. [27] conducted HRQoL measurements of hypertensive patients with comorbid CKD using the EQ-5D-5L instrument [28]. This tool rates health on five levels: “extreme problem”, “severe problem”, “moderate problem”, “mild problem”, and “no problem.” Furthermore, the EQ-5D...
Start-up and operational performance of Anammox process in an anaerobic baffled biofilm reactor (ABBR) at a moderate temperature Bioresour. Technol., 279 (2019), pp. 1-9 View PDF W. Wang, H. Xie, H. Wang, H. Xue, J. Wang, M. Zhou, X. Dai, Y. Wang ...
Overall, the studies were predominantly assessed as having a moderate risk of bias (n = 36; 53%), followed by high (n = 18; 26%) and low (n = 14; 21%). The typical issues were around randomisation methodology (see Table S2 in supplementary file for further details). ...
Drinking status was divided into current drinkers and non-drinkers (including ex-drinkers). Smoking status was categorized into current smokers and non-smokers (including ex-smokers). Physical activity was defined as engaging in vigorous or moderate activities no less than once weekly. Depressive ...
Being regularly active is one of the top recommendations to reduce cancer risk from the World Cancer Research Fund, which advises engaging in at least moderate physical activity and minimizing sedentary behavior [3]. However, given the increasing trend of insufficient physical activity globally, there...
A pattern of reporting LBP at both previous time points (yes-yes) increased the odds most markedly at the third survey, whereas reporting in a yes-no or no-yes fashion showed more moderate ORs. ‘Seeking care’ and ‘non-trivial’ were associated with markedly higher odds for the yes-yes...