Banking the Poor: Policies to Bring Low- and Moderate-Income Households in the United States into the Financial Mainstream Low- and moderate-income households who use alternative financial service providers pay a high price to convert their income into cash, pay their bills, an... MS Barr - ...
Using data from a set of low- and moderate-income homeowners who received prime mortgages through the Community Advantage Program panel and a matched set of renters, we assess the effect of sustained homeownership on net worth and components of net worth. In this article, our aim is to test...
"Homeownership and Wealth among Low- and Moderate-Income Households". In: Housing Policy Debate 23.2, pp. 259-279.Grinstein-Weiss, M., Key, C., Guo, S., Yeo, Y. H. & Holub, K. (2013). Homeownership and Wealth among Low- and Moderate-Income Households. Housing Policy Debate, 23(2...
Using a unique household-level data set, this article investigates the tax-filing experiences and refund behavior of low- and moderate-income (LMI) households. We document households' tax-filing behavior, attitudes about the withholding system, use of tax refunds to consume and save, and the ...
By employing a variety of research techniques, we concluded that, on average, 24 % of units in TODs are affordable to households earning between 50 and 80 % of the Area Median Income (i.e., low- and moderate-income households, respectively). While 14 % of the units are designated ...
Food security, maternal stressors, and overweight among low-income US children: results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1999-2002). OBJECTIVE. A high proportion of children in the United States are overweight, suffer from food insecurity, and live in households facing mat...
This study was designed to explore financial literacy in low- to moderate-income households with regard to saving behavior. The study examined the low- to moderate-income household's decision to save regularly and their responses to three questions related to financial literacy and a self-reported...
(LIHTC) qualified census tracts, where 50% of households have incomes below 60% of the Area Median Gross Income (AMGI) or have a poverty rate of 25% of more [38]. Interested applicants completed a webform to assess initial eligibility and were then contacted by research staff by phone to...
Low-income earners may find it challenging to meet basic needs. Find different programs, benefits and aid that may help your situation.
These moderate income limits are not restrictive by any means. They’re even higher for households with more than four members. Still, they demonstrate the USDA’s focus on lower-income applicants. That also shows up in this program’sdebt-to-incomeratio requirements. ...