modality, there are also some compelling examples in the auditory domain. Particularly strong illustrations are pro- vided by masking studies in which the stimuli are designed so that the low-level representations of the target and the Academic Editor: David Poeppel, University of Maryland College ...
This paper reports on two studies that used qualitative thematic and quantitative linguistic analysis, respectively, to assess the content and language of the largest ever sample of graded research impact case studies, from the UK Research Excellence Fra
2. Textual functions of modality markers Serving textual functions is not the major role of epistemic adverbs or other modality markers. In Halliday’s (2014) account of language functions (comprising ideational, interpersonal and textual functions), epistemic adverbs, such as perhaps, are primarily ...
Another underlying reason contributing to the “modality laziness” issue is the intermixing of noise within certain uninformative modalities. High-dimensional multimodal data tend to contain complex noise. In the process of collecting medical data, it is easy to include noise, such as metal artifacts...
An angiosome refers to a 3D tissue volume that is vascularized by a single artery and is a relatively new concept that is useful in vascular surgery; however, the direct relationship between arterial blood flow and micro-perfusion is still controversial.
Digital health as a humanitarian modality of assistance has potential but the digital divide factors cannot be overstated as risks that may exclude and discrimination against certain groups. Formative digital health research has been carried out, but this field remains in its infancy. Research into th...
Most studies have used high doses of a single compound and short exposure periods, gen- erally during the critical uterine or neonatal period. However, humans and wild animals are exposed simultaneously to various envi- ronmental and food EDCs, generally at low level...
studies that assessed usage prevalence of certain modalities and e-learning tools; iv) studies that performed qualitative analyses designed to assess student and faculty attitudes towards e-learning modalities and; v) studies that focused on outcome comparisons in order to evaluate a modality or curric...
\n Key words: adenocarcinoma – cervix uteri – radiotherapy – brachytherapy\nBackground: Traditionally, low dose rate (LDR) brachytherapy has been used as a standard modality in the treatment of patients with carcinoma of the uterine cervix. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the ...
[9] demonstrated that white noise has the capacity to enhance learning to stimuli in the visual modality. Helps and colleagues, on the other hand, have explored the beneficial effect of white noise in children with different attentional level [8]. It was found that the presence of white ...